1.Promise Me The Moon 4:02
(D. Kortchmar)
2.Benjamin 1:34
(J. Taylor)
3.Stranger's Arms 4:22
(D. Kortchmar)
4.Heart Lake 5:22
(M. Egan)
5.The Rev. 3:56
(H. Bullock)
6.We Fool Ourselves 5:15
(H. Bullock)
7.Morning Salsa 6:07
(R. de Leon/H. Bushler)
8.The Legend Of Cheops 6:36
(V. Lewis)
(D. Kortchmar)
2.Benjamin 1:34
(J. Taylor)
3.Stranger's Arms 4:22
(D. Kortchmar)
4.Heart Lake 5:22
(M. Egan)
5.The Rev. 3:56
(H. Bullock)
6.We Fool Ourselves 5:15
(H. Bullock)
7.Morning Salsa 6:07
(R. de Leon/H. Bushler)
8.The Legend Of Cheops 6:36
(V. Lewis)
via: jazzparadescargar
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