Mostrando postagens com marcador experimental. Mostrar todas as postagens
Mostrando postagens com marcador experimental. Mostrar todas as postagens

17 de fevereiro de 2025

Hedvig Mollestad Trio - Smells Funny 2018


1. Beastie, Beastie   
2. First Thing To Pop Is The Eye   
3. Jurášek   
4. Sugar Rush Mountain   
5. Bewitched, Dwarfed And Defeathered   
6. Lucidness

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21 de outubro de 2024

Frank Zappa - Hot Rats 1969


A1. Peaches en Regalia - 3:58
A2. Willie the Pimp - 9:25
A3. Son of Mr. Green Genes - 8:58
B1. Little Umbrellas - 3:09
B2. The Gumbo Variations - 12:55
B3. It Must Be a Camel - 5:15 

via: ps-music

Curtir e compartilhar é muito importante, 

1 de abril de 2024

Soap&Skin - Narrow 2012


1 - Vater (5:35)
2 - Voyage Voyage (5:17)
3 - Deathmental (4:44)
4 - Cradlesong (2:10)
5 - Wonder (3:12)
6 - Lost (1:56)
7 - Boat Turns Toward the Port (3:05)
8 - Big Hand Nails Down (2:53)

Curtir e compartilhar é muito importante, 

1 de julho de 2022

Nick Cave & Warren Ellis – Seven Psalms (2022)


1. How Long Have I Waited?
2. Have Mercy On Me
3. I Have Trembled My Way Deep
4. I Have Wandered All My Unending Days
5. Splendour, Glorious Splendour
6. Such Things Should Never Happen
7. I Come Alone And To You
8. Psalm Instrumental

via: exystence

24 de outubro de 2020

Frank Zappa - Lumpy Gravy (1968)


1. Lumpy Gravy Part One (15:48):
- a. The Way I See It, Barry
- b. Duodenum
- c. Oh No
- d. Bit Of Nostalgia
- e. It's From Kansas
- f. Bored Out 90 Over
- g. Almost Chinese
- h. Switching Girls
- i. Oh No Again
- j. At The Gas Station
- k. Another Pickup
- l. I Don't Know If I Can Go Through This Again
2. Lumpy Gravy Part Two (15:51):
- a. Very Distraughtening
- b. White Ugliness
- c. Amen
- d. Just One More Time
- e. A Vicious Circle
- f. King Kong
- g. Drums Are Too Noisy
- h. Kangaroos
- i. Envelops The Bath Tub
- j. Take Your Clothes Off

sejam bem vindo os amigos:

14 de outubro de 2020

Eartheater – Phoenix: Flames Are Dew Upon My Skin (2020)


1. Airborne Ashes
2. Metallic Taste of Patience
3. Below The Clavicle
4. Burning Feather
5. How To Fight
6. Kiss of The Phoenix
7. Volcano
8. Fantasy Collision
9. Mercurial Nerve
10. Goodbye Diamond
11. Bringing Me Back
12. Diamond In The Bedrock
13. Faith Consuming Hope

via: exystence

sejam bem vindo os amigos:

15 de setembro de 2020

The Parasites Of The Western World ‎– The Parasites Of The Western World 1978

A1 Mo - 3:15
A2 Electrokil - l1:58
A3. Flying - 3:42
A4. A Rare Case of Blues - 1:05
A5. Funeral for a Mouse - 7:43
B1. Accessories - 9:53
B2. God or Just a Slow Breeze - 1:55
B3. Siege of Twilight Loon - 4:04
B4. You Must Be Joe King - 3:37
B5. Alienending - 2:13

sejam bem vindo os amigos:

28 de julho de 2020

Hermeto Pascoal - Ao Vivo: Montreux Jazz Festival (1979)

01. Pintando O Sete (04:25)
02. Forró Em Santo André (07:31)
03. Remelexo (03:51)
04. Bem Vinda (01:45)
05. Sax e Aplausós (17:02)
06. Lagôa Na Canoa (01:23)
07. Fátimã (04:28)
08. Terra Verde (01:22)
09. Maturi (04:48)
10. Quebrando Tudo (05:55)
11. Nilza (03:19)
12. Forró Brasil (03:16)
13. Montreux (04:28)
14. Voltando Ao Palco (05:30)
15. E Adeus (01:01)

Bass – Itibere Luiz Zwarg
Clarinet, Baritone Saxophone, Flute, Tenor Saxophone – Cacau
Drums, Clavinet, Percussion – Nene
Flute, Tenor Saxophone, Soprano Saxophone – Nivaldo Ornelas
Percussion – Pernambuco, Zabele
Piano – Jovino Jose Dos Santos Neto

Soprano Saxophone, Piano, Clavinet, Tenor Saxophone, Flute, Vocals – Hermeto Pascoal

via: cabezademoog

sejam bem vindo os amigos:

11 de julho de 2020

FRANK ZAPPA - Them Or Us 1984

1. The Closer You are
2. In France
3. Ya Hozna
4. Sharleena
5. Sinister Footwear II
6. Truck Driver Divorce
7. Stevie's Spanking
8. Baby, Take Your Teeth Out
9. Marque-Son's Chicken
10. Planet of My Dreams
11. Be in My Video
12. Them Or Us
13. Frogs With Dirty Little Lips
14. Whipping Post.

sejam bem vindo os amigos:

Frank Zappa - "200 Motels" 1971 [1997]

CD 1
1-1     Semi-Fraudulent/Direct-From-Hollywood Overture     1:59
1-2     Mystery Roach     2:32
1-3     Dance Of The Rock & Roll Interviewers     0:48
1-4     This Town Is A Sealed Tuna Sandwich (Prologue)     0:55
1-5     Tuna Fish Promenade     2:29
1-6     Dance Of The Just Plain Folks     4:40
1-7     This Town Is A Sealed Tuna Sandwich (Reprise)     0:58
1-8     The Sealed Tuna Bolero     1:40
1-9     Lonesome Cowboy Burt     3:59
1-10     Touring Can Make You Crazy     2:52
1-11     Would You Like A Snack?     1:23
1-12     Redneck Eats     3:02
1-13     Centerville     2:31
1-14     She Painted Up Her Face     1:41
1-15     Janet's Big Dance Number     1:18
1-16     Half A Dozen Provocative Squats     1:57
1-17     Mysterioso     0:48
1-18     Shove It Right In     2:32
1-19     Lucy's Seduction Of A Bored Violinist & Postlude     4:01

CD 2
2-1     I'm Stealing The Towels     2:14
2-2     Dental Hygiene Dilemma     5:11
2-3     Does This Kind Of Life Look Interesting To You?     2:59
2-4     Daddy, Daddy, Daddy     3:11
2-5     Penis Dimension     4:37
2-6     What Will This Evening Bring Me This Morning     3:32
2-7     A Nun Suit Painted On Some Old Boxes     1:08
2-8     Magic Fingers     3:53
2-9     Motorhead's Midnight Ranch     1:28
2-10     Dew On The Newts We Got     1:09
2-11     The Lad Searches The Night For His Newts     0:41
2-12     The Girl Wants To Fix Him Some Broth     1:10
2-13     The Girl's Dream     0:54
2-14     Little Green Scratchy Sweaters & Courduroy Ponce     1:00
2-15     Strictly Genteel (The Finale)     11:10
    Bonus Tracks
2-16     CUT1 "Coming Soon!..."     0:56
2-17     CUT2 "The Wide Screen Erupts..."     0:57
2-18     CUT3 "Coming Soon!..."     0:31
2-19     CUT4 "Frank Zappa's 200 Motels..."     0:11
2-20     Magic Fingers (Single Edit)     2:57

sejam bem vindo os amigos:

23 de março de 2020

Jansen, Barbieri, Karn - Beginning To Melt (1993)

1 Beginning To Melt
2 The Wilderness (by The Oystercatchers: Richard Barbieri, Suzanne Barbieri)
3 March Of The Innocents
4 Human Age
5 Shipwrecks
6 Ego Dance
7 The Orange Asylum

via: williesaid

sejam bem vindo os amigos:

21 de dezembro de 2019

Moondog • H'art Songs 1978

01. Pigmy Pig
  02. High On A Rocky Ledge
  03. Choo Choo Lullaby
  04. I'm Just A Hop Head
  05. Here's To John Wesley Hardin
  06. I'm In The World
  07. Do Your Thing
  08. Enough About Human Rights
  09. I'm This, I'm That
  10. Aska Me 

via: arhsam

sejam bem vindo os amigos:
feliz natal

5 de dezembro de 2019

King Crimson - THRaKaTTaK (1996)

01 THRAK - 2'20
02 Fearless And Highly THRaKked - 6'35
03 Mother Hold The Candle Steady While I Shave The Chicken's Lip - 11'18
04 THRaKaTTak (Part I) - 3'42
05 The Slaughter Of The Innocents - 8'03
06 This Night Wounds Time - 11'16
07 THRaKaTTaK (Part II) - 11'08
08 THRAK (Reprise) - 2'52

sejam bem vindo os amigos:

4 de dezembro de 2019

Frank Zappa - Lumpy Gravy (1968)

I. Lumpy Gravy, Part One - 15:48 incliding:
1. The Way I See It, Barry
2. Duodenum
3. Oh No
4. Bit Of Nostalgia
5. It's From Kansas
6. Bored Out 90 Over
7. Almost Chinese
8. Switching Girls
9. Oh No Again
10. At The Gas Station
11. Another Pickup
12. I Don't Know If I Can Go Through This Again
II. Lumpy Gravy, Part Two -  15:51 including:
1. Very Distraughtening
2. White Ugliness
3. Amen
4. Just One More Time
5. A Vicious Circle
6. King Kong
7. Drums Are Too Noisy
8. Kangaroos
9. Envelops The Bath Tub
10. Take Your Clothes Off

sejam bem vindo os amigos:

8 de novembro de 2019

Dengue Fever • Cannibal Courtship 2011

1. Cannibal Courtship
2. Cement Slippers
3. Uku
4. Family Business
5. Only a Friend
6. Sister in the Radio
7. 2012 (Bury Our Heads)
8. Kiss of the Bufo Alvarius
9. Thank You Goodbye
10. Mr. Bubbles
11. Durian Dowry


via: egrojworld

sejam bem vindo os amigos:

9 de setembro de 2019

Walter Franco - Ou Não (1973)

A1. Mixturaçāo
A2. Agua E Sal
A3. No Fundo Do Poço
A4. Pátio Dos Loucos
A5. Flexa
B1. Me Deixe Mudo
B2. Xaxados E Perdidos
B3. Doido De Fazê Dó
B4. Vāo De Boca
B5. Cabeça

via: ezhevika

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