Mostrando postagens com marcador the crusaders. Mostrar todas as postagens
Mostrando postagens com marcador the crusaders. Mostrar todas as postagens

2 de março de 2025

The Crusaders - North Essex Polytechnic Colchester 1978


01. intro/Chain Reaction
02. Sweet n Sour
03. I Felt the Love
04. Snowflake
05. Crossfire
06. Many Stops Along the Way
07. Put it Where You Want it
08. Spiral

Era 1978, e os Crusaders encerraram sua turnê do álbum Images com um show memorável no North Essex Polytechnic, em Colchester, Reino Unido. Transmitido pela BBC no programa Rock Goes to College, a apresentação destacou o som jazz-funk característico da banda, com Joe Sample nos teclados, Wilton Felder no saxofone e Stix Hooper na bateria, ao lado de Robert "Pops" Popwell no baixo e Billy Rogers na guitarra. Músicas como "Chain Reaction" e "Put It Where You Want It" brilharam, mostrando a evolução do grupo desde suas raízes no Jazz Crusaders. Esse foi o último show com essa formação antes de mudanças significativas na banda, marcando um ponto de transição em sua trajetória.


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12 de julho de 2024

The Crusaders - Southern Comfort (1974)

01. Stomp And Buck Dance (Wayne Henderson) - 5:48
02. Greasy Spoon (Stix Hooper) - 3:11
03. Get On The Soul Ship (It's Sailing) (Joe Sample) - 3:20
04. Super-Stuff (Wayne Henderson) - 2:41
05. Double Bubble (Joe Sample) - 2:43
06. The Well's Gone Dry (Larry Carlton) - 4:44
07. Southern Comfort (Wayne Henderson) - 3:05
08. Time Bomb (Joe Sample) - 6:37
09. When There's Love Around (Stix Hooper) - 5:26
10. Lilies Of The Nile (Wilton Felder) - 9:31
11. Whispering Pines (Wayne Henderson) - 8:53
12. A Ballad For Joe (Louis) (Joe Sample) - 7:27

Wayne Henderson - trombone
Wilton Felder - tenor saxophone
Joe Sample - keyboards
Nesbert "Stix" Hooper - drums
Larry Carlton - guitar

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4 de junho de 2023

The Crusaders, Seattle 1973


1. Introduction (0:27)
2. Put It Where You Want It (6:07)
3. Watts Happening (6:32)
4. Message from the Inner City (10:54)
5. Treat Me Like You Treat Yourself (6:31)
6. Eleanor Rigby (7:53)
7. Young Rabbits (3:14)
8. Don't Let It Get You Down (4:20)
9. So Far Away (14:56)

via: arizjones

27 de abril de 2022

The Crusaders - The 2nd Crusade (1973)

A1. Don't Let It Get You Down 3:00
A2. Take It Or Leave It 3:40
A3. Gotta Get It On 2:50
A4. Where There's A Will There's A Way 5:30
A5. Look Beyond The Hill 3:20
B1. Journey From Within 4:51
B2. Ain't Gon' Change A Thang 4:30
B3. A Message From The Inner City 8:50
C1. A Search For Soul 9:40
C2. No Place To Hide 8:44
D1. Tomorrow Where Are You? 5:10
D2. Tough Talk 6:00
D3. Do You Remember When? 6:00
Arthur Adams, David T. Walker, Larry Carlton - Guitar 
Joe Sample - Keyboards 
Wilton Felder - Saxophone, Electric Bass, Marimba
Wayne Henderson - Trombone
Nesbert "Stix" Hooper - Percussion, Effects 

via: israbox

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10 de março de 2020

The Crusaders ‎– Hollywood 1972

 A1 Spanish Harlem
Composed By – P. Spector 7:02
A2 Try A Little Harder
Composed By – Joe Sample 5:50
A3 Hollywood
Composed By – Wayne Henderson 3:40
A4 Do Yourself A Favor
Composed By – Wayne Henderson 4:29
B1 Cold Duck Eddie
Composed By – Joe Sample 7:35
B2 Way Back Home
Composed By – Wilton Felder 4:07
B3 Papa Hooper's Barrelhouse Groove
Composed By – "Stix" Hooper 2:37
B4 Alekesam
Composed By – Wayne Henderson 5:20
 Acoustic Bass – Reggie Johnson
Bass – Chuck Rainey, Wilton Felder
Drums – "Stix" Hooper
Guitar – Arthur Adams, David T. Walker
Keyboards – Joe Sample
Saxophone [Tenor] – Wilton Felder
Trombone – Wayne Henderson

via: grooveaddict 

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1 de outubro de 2017

The Crusaders - Healing The Wounds (1991)

01 - Pessimisticism
02 - Mercy, Mercy, Mercy
03 - Little Things Mean A Lot
04 - Cause We've Ended As Lovers
05 - Shake Dance
06 - Maputo
07 - Healing The Wounds
08 - Running Man

Wilton Felder : saxophone
Joe Sample : acoustic piano, synthesizer
Marcus Miller : bass, synthesizer programming
Steve Lukather- guitar
Michael Landau - guitar
 William "Bubba" Bryant - drums
Lenny Castro - percussion

via: mp3musi

bem vindo os amigos:

20 de agosto de 2016

The Crusaders - Chain Reaction (1975)

02. Chain Reaction
03. I Felt The Love
04. Mellow Out
05. Rainbow Visions
06. Hallucinate
07. Give It Up
08. Hot's It
09. Sugar Cane
10 Soul Caravan

via: williesaid

18 de março de 2016

The Crusaders - Pass The Plate (1971)

Pass The Plate 15:30
A1a.Tap N' Shuffle
A1b.Sing For Your Keep  
A1d.Haggin' Stomp!
A1e.Pennies, Nickels And Dimes
A2.Young Rabbits '71 - '72   4:50
B1.Listen And You'll See 5:27
B2.Greasy Spoon 4:05
B3.Treat Me Like Ya Treat Yaself 2:37
B4.Goin' Down South 5:20
B5.Love Can't Grow Where The Rain Won't Fall 4:04